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The Saga Collection

Kitik Keed’kak - TSC - Basic (SAGA 071)

Name: Kitik Keed'kak
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: SAGA 071
Source: A New Hope
Availability: February 2007
License: Hasbro

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Kitik Keed'kak

Looking For A Meal

species: Yam'rii

favorite hang-out: mos eisley cantina

favorite food: Quor'sav eggs

The regulars in Chalmun's Cantina are a foul-tempered lot, and Kitik Keed'kak is no exception. The short-tempered insectoid female lashes out at anyone who distracts her from keeping an eye on any Quor'savs whom she can secretly follow back to their broods of eggs for a tasty meal.

Hasbro gave us a second chance to add our favorite mutant space mantis to those cantina displays with the re-release of Kitik Keed’kak in the final wave of The Saga Collection. Kitik was previously only available in the Kmart exclusive Mos Eisley Cantina screen scene back in 2004. Now she’s been reissued (that’s right, “she”) as a Walmart exclusive basic figure and instead of a bar section she includes a The Saga Collection display stand (which is incorrectly labeled as Attack of the Clones) and a pack-in hologram figure. Unlike the other Chalmun's Cantina patrons Hasbro released in this Walmart exclusive wave, Kitik Keed'kak has the least amount of changes done to her paint job. There are very minor differences that only the discriminating eye will notice, but there are definitely some changes this time around.

What's frustrating is what Hasbro DIDN'T update on her. From the production stills, Kitik Keed'kak is clearly a light green, so why in the world did Hasbro not take advantage of getting it right the second time around? So while there isn't really too much new with the figure, it's nice to get a second stab at her since she hasn't been the easiest action figure to attain. In fact, out of the technically three times released (two official and one canceled), Kitik Keed'kak has always been available only as an exclusive and never available as a general market piece. The Walmart exclusive wave of The Saga Collection is the closest she has come to mass market availability. Although Kitik is lacking an incredible new paint job, it can be assumed that she is a much needed rerelease in the basic figure line. But the lack of the correct paint job is what makes this figure not get the greatest score in our eyes.

In addition to the poor paint job, the lack of accessories also makes this figure feel like not much of a good value. In fact, it may have even been a better idea to pack Kabe with this figure to give it more “bang” for the buck rather than with Nabrun Leids, who already had an awesome paint job and a big weapon going for him. Between poor planning and bad decisions, Hasbro seemed to have missed the boat on Kitik Keed'kak. So is Kitik Keed’kak worth purchasing? Well, if you don’t have the figure from 2004 release yet, go for it! Despite the drawbacks, Kitik’s still a very unique and essential addition to your cantina collection. The character is just so outstandingly freaky. Just keep in mind that this figure is dated and there is a significant lack of articulation included. But if you already have the figure from the screen scene, then this should be an easy pass.

Collector Notes

Kitik Keed'kak

Status: Kitik Keed'kak is a slight repaint of the figure from 2002's SW Kitik Keed'kak (With Cantina Bar Section) set which was originally planned as a Walmart exclusive. After a small inital production run was run, the set was unfortunately canceled. This figure was then "officially" released in 2004's OTC Mos Eisley Cantina (Scene 1) Kmart exclusive Scene Packs set.

Articulation Count: 5 points

Articulation Details: 2 swivel shoulders, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2002

Assortment Number: 87350/85770

UPC: 653569219491

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


Kitik Keed'kak

The Saga Collection Wave 10 (Walmart Exclusives)
Aurra Sing (SAGA 070)
Kitik Keed'kak (SAGA 071)
Nabrun Leids & Kabe (SAGA 072)
Labria (SAGA 073)
R4-M6 (Mace Windu's Astromech Droid) (SAGA 074)

Added: January 20, 2011
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

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