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The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]

Stop The Zillo Beast - TCW [SOTDS] - Battle Packs

Name: Stop The Zillo Beast
Collection: The Clone Wars
Number: N/A (Battle Packs)
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 2 Episode 19: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back)
Availability: July 2011
License: Hasbro

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The forces of the Republic must stop a rampaging Zillo Beast. The huge creature is loose on Coruscant and causing chaos and damage as it tries to escape. The Jedi and clone troopers try to recapture the fierce creature before it reaches the city.

There has to be at least one stinker in a wave of new product doesn’t there? Your opinions may vary of course, but the Stop The Zillo Beast Battle Packs set is absolutely the weakest of the new wave of Battle Packs sets release during the summer of 2011. The newly formatted three figure sets are in general very well done and Hasbro has incorporated enough newness in these sets to capture the interest of kids and collectors alike. For the most part Hasbro has succeeded in bringing us quality products already in this platform. The Stop The Zillo Beast Battle Packs' wave mates are excellent and we suppose that if you don’t already have the three figures in this set that this is a great deal. (It is certainly cheaper to get all three through this medium.) But for the casual collector who really just looks for something new brought to the table, this set absolutely isn’t for you. It would be a redundant purchase.

Clone Trooper is a repaint of the plain white Clone Trooper that has released a million times beforehand. To determine its origins is a bit difficult at this point, but we believe it is the “clean” repaint of 2009’s TCW Clone Trooper (212th Attack Battalion) (No. 19) figure. The biggest difference on this style of clone trooper is the figure’s helmet. But it’s a more accurate representation and Hasbro is wise to use it again and again for various purposes. Mace Windu is a straight repack of 2010’s TCW Mace Windu (CW20) figure. We see a few minor paint job differences, but it is so insignificant that it’s almost not worth documenting. Yoda, like Mace Windu, is a straight repack of 2009’s TCW Yoda (CW14) figure. Again, we see some very minor paint job differences, but for all intents and purposes it is exactly the same figure. But do you need these again? That is the $100,000 question here.

Based on the season 2 episode entitled The Zillo Beast Strikes Back (Yoda didn’t appear in the previous episode entitled The Zillo Beast), we think Hasbro could have made the Stop The Zillo Beast Battle Packs set a little bit more interesting. As a huge creature that wreaks havoc on Coruscant, we’re not suggesting that Hasbro include the actual beast in the box (that just wouldn’t make sense). But there are some very hard to find (or exclusive) The Clone Wars figures that would have benefitted from a rerelease here. Most notably, the 2009 TCW Commander Ponds Toys R Us exclusive or 2010’s TCW Aayla Secura (CW40) would have been much needed and ideal additions. An extra Clone Trooper is always nice to have, but we don’t think any of us needed another Mace Windu or Yoda instead. Despite this set’s lack of vision, we still feel inordinately happy with the revised Battle Packs format and we’re sure even better sets are forthcoming.

Collector Notes

Stop The Zillo Beast (Battle Packs)

Assortment Number: 35977/35566

UPC: 653569645955

Retail: $19.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Clone Trooper

Status: Clone Trooper is a rework of 2009's TCW Clone Trooper (212th Attack Battalion) (No. 19) figure.

Articulation Count: 14 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: DC-15 blaster rifle

Date Stamp: 2008

Mace Windu

Status: Mace Windu is a straight repack of 2010's TCW Mace Windu (CW20) figure. While some areas look to have minor different shades of color, it is essentially identical to the 2010 figure.

Articulation Count: 14 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: lightsaber

Date Stamp: 2010


Status: Yoda is a straight repack of 2009's TCW Yoda (CW14) figure. While some areas look to have minor different shades of color, it is essentially identical to the 2009 figure.

Articulation Count: 12 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-socket shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, ball-jointed waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-socket ankles

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: soft-goods cloak, lightsaber, gimer stick

Date Stamp: 2009

[Shadow Of The Dark Side] Battle Packs Wave 1
Anti-Hailfire Droid Squad
Clone Troopers & Droids
Holocron Heist (See TCW [Season 2] Holocron Heist)
Hoth Assault

[Shadow Of The Dark Side] Battle Packs Wave 2
ARC Troopers
Mandalorian Warriors

[Shadow Of The Dark Side] Battle Packs Wave 3
Battle Of Orto Plutonia
Invasion Of Utapau
Jedi Showdown (See TCW [Season 2] Jedi Showdown)

[Shadow Of The Dark Side] Battle Packs Wave 4
Army Of The Republic
Rishi Outpost Attack (see TCW [Season 2] Rishi Moon Outpost Attack)

[Shadow Of The Dark Side] Battle Packs Wave 5
Assault On Geonosis
Cad Bane's Escape
Defend Kamino
Hunt For Grievous, The
Stop The Zillo Beast

[Shadow Of The Dark Side] Battle Packs Wave 6
Capture Of The Droids

Added: August 6, 2011
Category: Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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