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The Original Trilogy Collection

TIE Fighter Pilot - OTC - Basic (OTC #21)

Name: TIE Fighter Pilot
Collection: The Original Trilogy Collection
Number: OTC #21
Source: A New Hope
Availability: September 2004
License: Hasbro

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TIE fighter pilots are part of the evil Empire's combat forces. These dedicated warriors fly into battle against the heroic Rebels. Completely loyal to the Emperor, they are trained to ignore their personal safety for the sake of their mission. As the Rebel pilots attempt to destroy the Death Star, the TIE pilots battle to save the Empire's deadly weapon.

One figure that’s always looked really good in any Hasbro line is the TIE Fighter Pilot. Whether we’re talking about 1996’s POTF2 version or 2004’s SW “Saga” version, Hasbro has always shown the different sculpts justice, but always miss the mark in one way or another that prevent sit from reaching definitive status. Hasbro came much closer with the release of the 2004 version. With a remarkable 10 points of articulation, the Star Wars “Saga” version was the closest they’ve come to screen accuracy and even proportions. Because the 2004 facet of the Star Wars “Saga” line was cut short for the preparation of The Original Trilogy Collection, the TIE Fighter Pilot (Battle Of Yavin) (‘04 #18) figure was up for immediate consideration to be carried forward into the new line look. So without pause, Hasbro added him to the collector friendly OTC line and released the figure in upgraded packaging, but the same figure inside. It was a hit with collectors.

The TIE Fighter Pilot came packed on a quasi-inspired vintage Kenner Star Wars card back. The differences in the shape of the bubble and the diorama background are what sets it apart form the classic Kenner figures, but there are enough pieces present to jettison your mind back to the wonderful memories you had as a kid way back when the Original Trilogy was a “new” thing. Clearly the TIE Fighter Pilot action figure has some room to go before anyone can deem it as definitive. But the figure has a flawless silhouette and can sit in the cockpit of an Imperial TIE Fighter, so is there really much more you want from it? With a great helmet sculpt, a simple accessory and fine details, the TIE Fighter Pilot is a fitting release to serve it’s purpose as a pilot to a vehicle or a separate standalone action figure. The articulation, while not enhanced, is enough to satisfy the average collector.

If there is one thing The Original Trilogy Collection has been successful at is gripping the hearts of old-timer collectors wishing daily to purchase something that reminds them of the toys they grew up with as kids. This homage paying collection of figures looks brilliant and is eye-catching while providing collectors with a focus of character from the first three Star Wars films. The Original Trilogy Collection did so well that it exceeded Hasbro’s expectations. The line could have ran for another year if it wasn’t for Revenge Of The Sith “interrupting” everything. Granted, this is one line that is best served by keeping the figures in the packaging. Although TIE Fighter Pilot is modern by comparison, including figures from The Power Of The Force “2” line makes for an inconsistent line. Thankfully Hasbro has found a way to make older figures look new again thanks to excellent paint jobs. But Hasbro has certainly proven to themselves what collectors are willing to support. The OTC line is the evidence they need.

Collector Notes

TIE Fighter Pilot

Status: TIE Fighter Pilot is a straight repack of 2004's SW TIE Fighter Pilot (Battle Of Yavin) ('04 #14) figure. The differences between the two figures are negligible.

Articulation Count: 10

Articulation Details: swivel head (inhibited movement), 2 swivel shoulders, swivel right elbow, 2 swivel gloves, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: blaster

Date Stamp: 2004

Assortment Number: 85371/84715

UPC: 653569002000

Retail: $4.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Original Trilogy Collection
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Added: March 5, 2013
Category: Original Trilogy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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