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The Original Trilogy Collection

Han Solo - OTC - Basic (OTC #35)

Name: Han Solo
Collection: The Original Trilogy Collection
Number: OTC #35
Source: Expanded Universe (Hasbro Concept)
Availability: October 2004
License: Hasbro

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Han leads a strike team to the moon of Endor, to destroy the shield generator protecting the second Death Star high in orbit. Han has to get inside the Imperial bunker to disable the generator. To do that, he commandeers the uniform of an AT-ST driver and pretends to be an Imperial trooper. His trick works, and the team successfully completes its mission.

The Original Trilogy Collection sought out to reach three goals. It intended to release a selection of all-new figures, reissue key OT characters in older sculpts (some with all-new paint operations and others straight repacks), and rerelease recent figures from the previous Star Wars “Saga” line that whose retail lifespan was cut short with the sudden announcement of the Original Trilogy getting released on DVD for the very first time. Although just simply called “Han Solo” in the new The Original Trilogy Collection, this figure originally saw life as Han Solo (Endor Strike) in the final phase of the Star Wars “Saga” line. Hasbro borrowed many of the parts from the AT-ST Driver from 2002’s SW Imperial Forces Toys R Us exclusive multipack to make this version of Han Solo. Arguably, they’ve done a pretty good job overall.

While fans were excited to see this unique interpretation of Han Solo, many others wondered why Hasbro didn’t just update another but better articulated generic AT-ST Driver instead. Fans and collectors desperately wanted an all-new AT-ST Driver sculpt but that wasn’t in the immediate cards for now. (Editor’s Note: Hasbro updated the AT-ST Driver sculpt in 2010’s SW [SOTDS] Attack On Hoth TARGET exclusive multipack.) Han Solo was part of the final wave of the 2004 Star Wars “Saga” collection. Honestly the figure looked a bit rushed. A decent sculpt and a good likeness were marred by poorly applied paint operations. Han Solo as a result was one of the worst looking action figures in 2004. Thankfully his release in The Original Trilogy Collection gave Hasbro a chance to perfect those said paint operations and deliver a much better quality action figure.

One thing we neglected to mention was Han Solo’s body type has origins to the 2001 Power Of The Jedi Imperial Officer figure. The Power Of The Jedi line was the first collection by Hasbro to take special note on figure scale and shape with characters from the Star Wars universe. While definitely lacking in articulation, the design of the figures was impressive at worst. Despite Hasbro reusing parts from the Imperial Forces AT-ST Driver, would you believe that they also designed an all-new helmet (probably to accommodate Han Solo’s new head sculpt)? It’s true. As you can imagine, the fit is perfect and his likeness looks fantastic despite the helmet covering most of it up. Technically an Expanded Universe figure, Han Solo was never seen in Return Of The Jedi line this. He only appeared on a screen via a transmission (and never in the "flesh") to the Imperials inside the Endor bunker. Consider this version of Han Solo what he must have looked like if he was seen outside of this screen shot. (Do you really think he put on the full uniform to fool the Galactic Empire?) We think not.

Collector Notes

Han Solo

Status: Han Solo is a slight repaint of 2004's SW 2004's SW Han Solo (Endor Strike) ('04 #19) figure. This time around the figure receives tighter and cleaner paint operations.

Articulation Count: 10 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel elbows, 2 swivel gloves, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: blaster, removable helmet

Date Stamp: 2004

Assortment Number: 85385/84715

UPC: 653569007289

Retail: $4.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Original Trilogy Collection
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Added: March 15, 2013
Category: Original Trilogy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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