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Power Of The Jedi

WEG-1618 - POTJ - Star Tours

Name: WEG-1618
Collection: Power Of The Jedi
Number: N/A
Source: Star Tours
Availability: October 2002
License: Hasbro

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The fate of the Star Wars universe is in your hands!

Whenever your plans call for intergalactic transport, call on STAR TOURS for state of the art travel excitement! Tour the galaxy aboard the STARSPEEDER 3000, the most advanced transport vessel of its kind, and experience the expertise of the sector's newest and most reliable Droid pilots! Reservations are limited, so book your STAR TOURS adventure today!

Number 5 is alive! Well, maybe not. But we think that WEG-1618 that was released under the Power Of The Jedi facet of the STAR TOURS line shares a strong resemblance to that character from the popular 80s flick Short Circuit. The STAR TOURS line is a subset of characters based on the popular Disney attractions at various theme parks that have managed to be squeezed into Hasbro’s exclusive figure line. Originally sold at the theme parks, various retail outlets also picked up distribution rights so that these high-priced action figures would have wider availability. WEG-1618 is just one of the many droids that can be seen as riders wait to board the Starspeeder in the STAR TOURS attraction. A nicely designed droid and unlike anything we have seen to date in any of the Star Wars films, WEG-1618 brings a sense of freshness to droid lovers and pretty much to any Star Wars fans in general. Although, we do see small inspirations of EV-9D9 in parts of WEG-1618, so maybe our assessment isn’t that correct.

WEG-1618 comes with six points of articulation. Hasbro added a ball-socket head joint which gives you full range of motion there. The rest of this droid’s articulation is swivel and includes two shoulders and two hips. Although there is evidence of multiple hinge-jointed movement in this droid’s infrastructure, Hasbro decided against adding any more articulation to this sculpt. The figure is impressive on another level however, and that would be its paint job. The base metallic copper color is gorgeous and then accents in black, red and white adorn the droid and give it some extra personality. Its number, 1618, is perfectly printed on the droid’s torso and then a warning label which says “IRRITANT” on it can be found on the lower part of the torso. In order to have the droid stand up, you have to lean the body forward which gives WEG-1618 a strange hunchbacked appearance. That has a lot to do with the “hump” on its back too. But at least WEG-1618 can stand unassisted. That’s always a plus for any Star Wars figure.

There’s not an ounce of doubt about the level of detail Hasbro’s sculptors have etched into WEG-1618. It’s quite astounding actually. You’ll find gears and circuits, wires and mechanics that give this droid an unbelievably realistic appearance. In the Expanded Universe, WEG-1618 has been described as a sort of mechanic. He worked on R5 units as well as the mechanical doors at STAR TOURS. This droid is officially designated as a maintenance droid, but it seems like WEG-1618 had a few more skills than he was given credit. By comparison, WEG-1618 is quite large than its droid counterparts at STAR TOURS. It definitely has the presence/stature of EV-9D9 and a silhouette that more closely resembles 8D8. It definitely seems if the films had some influence on many or most of the STAR TOURS characters. Part of Collection 2 of the Power Of The Jedi exclusive line of STAR TOURS figures, WEG-1618 joins a cast of other droids as well. In fact, Hasbro produced two different waves of these figures for the Power Of The Jedi line.

Collector Notes


Status: WEG-1618 is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left arm (1), swivel right arm (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2002

Collection: 2

Assortment Number: 10239

UPC: 076930102398

Retail: $9.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Power Of The Jedi
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Added: December 28, 2014
Category: Power Of The Jedi
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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