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The Power Of The Force “2” [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection]

Ugnaughts - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Basic

Name: Ugnaughts
Collection: The Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection]
Number: N/A
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: June 1998
License: Hasbro

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Ugnaughts, the humanoid species found on Bespin's Cloud City, manned the controls of the freezing chambers where Han Solo was encased in carbonite.

After a few solid years, The Power Of The Force “2” line became a little more aggressive, much to the approval of collectors. Two-packs were peppered into the line wherever possible, but it was the Freeze Frame phase of the POTF2 line that has given us the very first Ugnaughts two-pack. Although Kenner/Hasbro tooled them with little articulation, the Ugnaughts two-pack arrived loaded with excellent detail as well as a replica of the tool kit that the original 1981 ESB Ugnaught vintage Kenner figure had. It’s a bit difficult to claim that either Ugnaught in the new double pack is an exact match for the original vintage Kenner figure. But we can say that the larger one is a close enough match to serve as a modern counterpart for that wonderful classic figure. It appears as if Kenner/Hasbro received inspiration from THIS IMAGE. The bonus here is getting two figures for the price of one. Value is where it’s at nowadays, so whenever collectors can get a little more bang for their buck, it makes them happy people. We’re happy to say that the Ugnaughts set not only brings value. They also bring excellent sculpts, albeit simply articulated, into the modern era as well.

The larger Ugnaught, as stated earlier, is a pretty great modern counterpart to the vintage Kenner figure. The figure comes with four points of articulation in the head, shoulders, and waist. They added a separately sculpted apron to this figure, but we’re unable to remove it in fear that it may tear if pushed too far off of the figure's body. We imagine that collectors who have better techniques and more time to remove it will have to be the ones to see if this is possible to remove or not. The separately sculpted apron adds texture to the character as well as screen accuracy. There were so many Ugnaught characters in The Empire Strikes Back, so it’s hard to pinpoint who this character is exactly. Still, between the multiple looks and appearances of this species, we think this figure looks most like the Ugnaught that has facial features similar to pigs. This assessment is ours, but we’re pairing the tool kit accessory with this character as well, without any valid reason. Perhaps it’s just because he is bigger and would have less difficulty carrying it around. You may have a different opinion about this, and that is fine.

The smaller Ugnuaght is perhaps the reason to get excited about this two-pack. The reason is that this character is technically a first time offering in the Kenner line. The never before released Ugnaught type is a refreshing release for the basic figure line. And if Hasbro keeps this up, we will quickly build an Ugnaught army to fill out our Bespin displays. This smaller Ugnaught appears inspired by the scene were Chewbacca finds C-3PO obliterated in the Bespin boiler room (for lack of a better word). This Ugnaught held C-3PO’s head in his hands. It’s exciting to get new action figures that you can place from the films. Army builders like Rebel Commandos and Rebel Fleet Troopers are nice, but can you pinpoint who the character is exactly? With these Ugnaughts, you can either do this successfully or at the very worst, make a pretty darn accurate educated guess. Anyway, we are impressed with this. Packed with a Freeze Frame from The Empire Strikes Back, the Ugnaughts two-pack is enhanced with the pack-in premium. We would, however, love to see the articulation get significantly updated. Once they do that, we’ll be thrilled.

Collector Notes


Assortment Number: 69605/69837

UPC: 076281698373

Retail: $5.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Ugnaught [A]

Status: Ugnaught [A] is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 4 points (4 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: tool kit

Date Stamp: 1998

Ugnaught [B]

Status: Ugnaught [B] is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 4 points (4 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 1998

The Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection] Wave 5


The Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection] Wave 6

Death Star Trooper


The Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection] Wave 7


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