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Mini Busts

Garindan (Long-Snoot) - Mini Busts

Name: Garindan (Long-Snoot)
Type: Mini Busts
Number: Item No. 10474
Edition Size: 1500
Source: A New Hope
Availability: October 2009
License: Gentle Giant Ltd.

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Garindan, also known as Long-Snoot, is a Kubaz informant who trails Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they make their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94. This dark cloaked spy used his comlink to summon Imperial authorities, directing a squad of sandtroopers to the fugitives.

Garindan tends to be a character that you are either indifferent about or love a lot. We favor the latter, because he is a unique alien and a spy and had a significant role inStar War Episode IV: A New Hope. He functioned as a rat that put our beloved heroes in jeopardy with the Imperial sandtroopers and then was never to be seen again in the Original Trilogy. His mysteriousness has a lot to do with why we like him more and more every year. The 2006 TSC Garindan (SAGA 034) action figure by Hasbro is incredible and it is likely the definitive action figure (and remains one of our favorites to date). We don’t think Hasbro will update it (at best he will be a reissue), so it only makes sense that other interpretations of the character through different mediums are expected. Gentle Giant Ltd. stepped up to the plate and created a simple but beautiful Mini Bust of this Kubaz spy. The Garindan (also known as Long-Snoot) Mini Bust is actually quite better than we initially expected and it seems that technology is getting better all around (for every license) including the digital process at Gentle Giant. Nearly every detail of the character has been forever immortalized in polystone and painted to beautiful and exacting standards.

We believe that even the most discriminating collectors will admit that the Garindan (Long-Snoot) Mini Bust is a triumphant success. And while you might be impressed or inspired to add this Mini Bust to your collection, the availability of it may be quite a stumbling block for you. Released in a very tiny edition size of 1500 pieces, Garindan comes close to and even rivals some edition sizes of the most sought after Mini Busts. For example, Commander Neyo, Commander Bly, Commander Bacara, Darth Malak and Mara Jade have equal or greater edition sizes to Garindan. Almost immediately selling out at online shops and distribution centers, it is clear that Garindan will be commanding a pretty price as time moves forward. By simply gauging how tiny the latest edition sizes have been for Gentle Giant Mini Busts, we think it is a direct result of all the fans dropping out of the hobby or becoming burdened by the glut of general Star Wars product out there. This is bittersweet, because we would like all fans to have ample time and money to purchase these Mini Busts at their leisure, but it appears that in order to obtain them for your collections, pre-orders are the only way to go.

The Garindan (Long-Snoot) Mini Bust is one solid collectible. It has a significant weight to it. This is always a happy notion for a lover of things polystone. The more mass these things have, the more impressive they seem to be. Gentle Giant Ltd. seems to have upped quality control standards on the paint applications. Because these collectibles are hand-painted, it would make sense that larger edition sizes would lead to or result in sloppier paint jobs (and they have – just look at the Episode III clone troopers – they are certainly lacking in a few ways). Garindan doesn’t have a color or line of detail out of place and the pose in faithful to the film. We love Mini Busts that look like a screen shot from the film so much more than the more interpretive poses. If you recall the Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight Mini Bust, well, that was not the best Mini Bust by any means. The pose bordered on being silly. Garindan comes complete with his comlink and beautiful cloak. The details on his “nose” are incredibly textured and colored flawlessly. His goggles are shiny and reflect any light attempting top penetrate them. Garindan succeeds in every way and is a champion in Gentle Giant’s very impressive Mini Bust line. We hope future releases have the same quality that this piece delivered.

Collector Notes

Garindan (Long-Snoot)

Status: This highly-detailed mini bust, based on the original Lucasfilm costumes and props, was sculpted and painted by Gentle Giant Ltd. We hope you enjoy it.

Exclusivity: N/A

Assembly: N/A

Date Stamp: 2009

UPC: 871810005291

Retail: $54.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Gentle Giant Ltd.
All Mini Busts

Added: January 8, 2010
Category: Mini Busts
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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