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Name: Rey (Resistance Outfit)
Collection: The Force Awakens
Number: N/A
Source: The Force Awakens
Availability: January 2016
License: Hasbro
Rey is a resilient survivor, a scavenger toughened by a lifetime of dealing with the cutthroats of the harsh desert world of Jakku.
She’s solely responsible for banning a Star Wars fan and collector from Facebook. The crime? Buying her at Walmart before Disney approved. And she is also responsible for the incessant whining from fans directed at fan sites that posted an image of her as news that she was a forthcoming action figure. It supposedly spoiled the fact that she utilized a lightsaber and/or possessed Jedi like abilities. (Did those who whined decidedly ignore this popular Duracell commercial which “ruined’ these secrets way before the action figure did months before the film was released? Did they go off on Duracell?) We digress. Needless to say, Rey (Resistance Outfit) is the most controversial action figure from The Force Awakens line for 2015. And in 2016, relying on Hasbro’s distribution performance, will probably be the most controversial figure of this year as well as the most sought after figure of 2016 with many frustrated that they cannot find her. Regardless, we’re happy to report that Rey (Resistance Outfit) is a pretty sweet action figure. She isn’t free from issues of course. In fact, she has a couple of major ones, but there is no denying that this action figure for the confusing Build A Weapon line was thoroughly thought out and beautifully executed for the 3.75” scale. Long time collectors are going to be disgusted that she doesn’t come with more articulation because this is relatively a beautiful action figure. (We know we are.) And others are just going to be happy that another action figure of the female gender was released, regardless of how good or bad it is. No matter your position, Rey (Resistance Outfit) may get many to perk up their heads and take notice.
She is beautiful. We’re impressed thoroughly with the sculpt. We don’t think she resembles Daisy Ridley all that much. You can obviously tell that this is supposed to be Rey, but in our estimation she more closely resembles the likeness of Padmé Amidala than anyone else. That’s alright though. Maybe there is a reason for that. (That’s – Skywalker lineage – just an opinion that we’re willing to admit we’re wrong about when the actual truth is revealed.) The pose is simple, but not perfectly straight. He body has “good posture” issues which gives it a wonky center of gravity. Our sample kept wanting to fall backwards unless we leaned her forward a little bit to counteract gravity’s force. Thankfully, you don’t have to dramatically bend her over to resist the natural pull on her. Besides, there are enough accessories here to help you with that even more. Again, we’re taken by her beauty. However, paint operations cheapen the artistry added to the sculpt. Some will undoubtedly vary from sample to sample, but others look like an “across the board” issue that only a running change will fix. We’ll explain. On our sample, her lipstick is off the right. It makes her expression look ever so slightly goofy. Again, on our sample her widow’s peak is smudgy and interrupts the beautiful hairline. But perhaps the bigger issues here include her eye and outfit colors. Is it just us, or does it look like she has Sith eyes? Why are they orangey red? Thankfully she doesn’t look “evil” with them. We still don’t understand the oversight here however. Delightful paint operations are imperative to make a great sculpt shine. Here, they’re good, but not perfect.
The beautiful Daisy Ridley has the textbook definition of hazel eyes, and in the film they look as brown as they did green. 2015’s TFA Rey (Starkiller Base) (Snow) Build A Weapon and even 2015’s TBS [P3] Rey (Jakku) from Walmart’s exclusive 3.75” line both have light brown to brown eyes. We think that is the safest choice for an action figure. We understand that Hasbro was probably trying to create a lighter eye color for the Rey (Resistance Outfit) action figure, but sadly we have to be honest and admit it doesn’t work to well here. It’s probably the major reason why the action figure doesn’t resemble the actress all too much. Eye color is hugely important on action figures. Just ask 2009’s TLC Captain Typho (BD 47) figure. Rey (Resistance Outfit) comes with a nice dose of accessories. We’d like to first note that her vest like jacket is removable. It is cast in a soft rubbery plastic and have a gorgeous scalloped pattern on the shoulders. When you remove it you get yet another look for Rey. She also comes with the blaster pistol she tried to use with great futility against Kylo Ren. The best part is that she comes with a functioning holster to house it when not is use. She also comes with a revised staff (which has been made from many lightsaber hilts). This time Hasbro worked in a Build A Weapon attachment so it can interact with the separately sculpted Build A Weapon part also included with the figure. (Whatever.) And of course she comes with Luke’s fully lit lightsaber.... even though she didn’t use it while wearing this outfit in The Force Awakens. Technically, the first Rey (Starkiller base) should have come with the lightsaber instead. Could you imagine how many of our Facebook accounts would have been closed if THAT one came with a lightsaber? Yikes!
Status: Rey (Resistance Outfit) is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 4
Accessory Details: lightsaber, blaster pistol, removable vest, staff (with Build A Weapon connection part)
Date Stamp: N/A
Collection: Forest
Assortment Number: B5667/B3445
UPC: 630509407323
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
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