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The Last Jedi

General Leia Organa - SW [TLJ] - Basic

Name: General Leia Organa
Collection: Star Wars [The Last Jedi]
Number: N/A
Source: The Last Jedi
Availability: October 2017
License: Hasbro

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It wouldn’t be fair to deny Hasbro credit when assessing just how far they’ve come producing figures for the 5POA format. Yes, we know, just like us many are frustrated that the focus isn’t on super-articulation anymore. But hopefully, that will all change in 2018 when The Vintage Collection makes its return and reengages the super-articulated market. The Star Wars [The Last Jedi] line is 5POA-focused, but Hasbro has added a few surprise on select action figures, where appropriate, to give the figure the optimal movement each one needs. We see the addition of swivel wrists, articulated jaws and swivel elbows given to the figures, all of which enhance them greatly and enable them to do a little bit more than what five points of articulation limits. Still, collectors obsessed with articulation still want to see a concerted effort on Hasbro’s part to walk away from 5POA as far as they can so that figures can be the best they can be. At the same time, collectors have conceded that many characters exist that don’t need to be blessed with super-articulated divinity. General Leia Organa is probably one of these figures that fit this bill.

General Leia Organa is wearing a rather regal gown that shows her stature within the Resistance. She fills a “Mon Mothma” type of role in the outfit presented in this action figure. Sure, she’s a general in the Resistance army, but she battles from afar and is not directly involved like what we saw in Return Of The Jedi. The navy blue gown she is wearing summarizes her role in the Resistance well, and it helps to emphasize why she is an unforgettable character in the Star Wars saga. Aside from a few minor issues, Hasbro’s interpretation of General Leia Organa is a testament that 5POA is OK in some instances, and that articulation alone shouldn’t be a difference enough to make you mad as a Star Wars collector. General Leia Organa has everything in place as far as we’re concerned. She has an unreadable expression on her face. Her pose is as static as these action figures come. The articulation is the standard and basic five points of movement which allow you to pose her into different configurations, but ultimately not change her all that much. And she is minimally accessorized so that kids and collectors can play with her in various battles at home.

She has a beautiful sculpt. She has enough accessories (a blaster and a removable cloak which gives her another unique look). And her paint operations are adequate. Still, we’d encourage Hasbro to step up to the plate and deliver mind-blowing paint operations on their simply articulated line too. Kids and collectors are still paying $7.99 for the Force Link figures, so we feel the paint jobs should be impressive here as well. Although General Leia Organa has a nicely painted hairline, her eyes, in particular, don’t look as great as they could be. Our sample has some wonkily painted eyes, and we are disappointed by this. Hasbro could have even improved upon her eyebrows a bit more than they have. But overall, we’d say we’re “satisfied” with this version of General Leia Organa. She could certainly be better. But you’re probably not going to flip your lid in anger because of how bad she looks once you receive her. Part of the Force Link line of basic figures, General Leia Organa doesn’t reveal any “secrecy” in her lines. It does sound like she leads some troops into battle, but who knows if this dialogue is part of the film. General Leia Organa is pretty nice. Not perfect. But pretty nice.

Collector Notes

General Leia Organa

Status: General Leia Organa is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: removable cloak, blaster pistol

Force Link Details: "Together, we can defeat the First Order." • "I will do everything I can to help." • "May the Force be with you." • "All troops open fire!" • "Send them in!" • *sound effects*

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: C3527/C1503

UPC: 630509596393

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

General Leia Organa

Star Wars [The Last Jedi] Orange Force Link Figures Wave 2

DJ (Canto Bight)

General Leia Organa

Jyn Erso (Jedha)

Luke Skywalker (Jedi Exile)


Rey (Island Journey)

Added: November 3, 2017
Category: Star Wars [The Last Jedi]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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