Attakus has found some new stock of the AOTC Clone Trooper and Han Solo statues! Click the banner to lear about the unique opportunity to add these limted statues to your collection!
Attakus opens his vault for a Limited Time Only...
After being Sold-Out for more than a year, Han Solo and The Clonetrooper from the third Attakus Star Wars Series are available for a limited time only.
The folks over at Attakus opened their vault and found some of those two statues. The sale will go on as long as they’re any of those two available.
Quantities are really limited, so don’t miss your chance to fill the gaps in your collection and grab either one of those two rare statues from the High-End French manufacturer.
If you are wondering, Attakus is already planning their fifth Star Wars Series and the Clonetrooper will make a great match with Commander Cody, one of the three winners of a poll to determine which character shall be made next by Attakus.
To add either one of those statues to your collection, go visit Attakus on their website and follow the usual procedure.
Han Solo
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