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Jedi Temple Archives Customs Corner

Jeffrey Van Hove (Belgium)
Last Updated: O, 2005
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Here's one of my most recent custom projects: Yoda's Kybuck Steed:

     I got inspired by Owen's amazing work on creatures from EU series like the CW cartoons, and wanted to do these myself. But when I was exploring his site, I didn't have the courage to start working on those big ones. So I went looking for something a bit smaller.
     That's how I got the idea to start building a Kybuck steed (didn't even know the creature's name until I re-read Yoda's databank entry at
     I made pics of most of the different building stages. So here we go:
     1st stage: getting the stuff together. I mostly used a white (dries when exposed to air) sculpting paste (not in the pic) + some construction materials.
     I started repositioning the pair of Jolly Jumper (Lucky Luke's horse) legs and building a base with sticks and balsa wood. Then I started sculpting on the head (separated from the body) and the body itself. I used the back legs of the little horse as front paws. ( a lot of dremmeling had to be done)
     After the sculpting was done of moth parts, I put the head on the body and glued his saddle in place.
     Then I primed him with a spray paint: matte grey.
     After a second layer of primer, I sanded al of the remaining rough edges of, And the real painting could begin.
     The finishing touch (straps, saddle strap and visors) I did with grey electrical tape and a blue screen from LEGO. I also added a peg in the saddle so Yoda can ride his trusty steed. The one problem: I don't have a Cartoon Yoda to repaint into the correct colors...

Character: Snoova from SotE:

     This figure was made out of a ROTS wookiee Warrior (brown version). I dremeled of the top of his head and right eye and sculpted new hair and eyepatch. After that I went nuts with all kind of parts and bits to make hi ma new armor the resembled the orginal (Hasbro) design, but updated it with the new data we have on wookiees. So I gave him a combination of a big gun + metal blad, human sculls as a bandolier and trophee, en some hi-tech stuff.

Character: Luke in Imperial Guard Disguise from SotE:

     I wanted to make an update of the old Hasbro POTF2 version. It seemed to bulky to me and the luke head totally sucked. So I took parts of modern lines (better proportions) and a torso from a GI Joe Sci-Fi figure. The hard part was to make the gi joe torso fit the Star Wars Pelvis. The Staff I made out of wall anchors and a plastic stick.

kybuck00 kybuck01 kybuck02 kybuck03
kybuck04 kybuck05 jeffrey_van_hove-01 jeffrey_van_hove-02
jeffrey_van_hove-03 jeffrey_van_hove-04 jeffrey_van_hove-05  

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