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Star Wars Celebration IV – Los Angeles, CA
by Chuck Paskovics & Peter Hauerstein
May 25, 2007 – Hasbro Q & A

May 25th quicklinks:

Hasbro never fails to pull a few surprises and show us a good deal of new stuff at the conventions, and their Q & A session at Celebration IV did not disappoint! To keep this short and sweet everything they spoke about is listed in the slideshow and in the handy checklist of items below.

During the discussion the quality of the 30th Anniversary Coins was addressed. Hasbro was not happy at all with the quality of the coins and the scratches that were on many of them. Production was halted and a new vendor was hired to make them. This is the reason why waves 1 & 2 are slow to come to the pegs. But rest assured that Hasbro is aware that collectors are still looking for many figures and the case assortments down the line will address the wave 1 & 2 issues. Also, we were told that if you are unhappy with the quality of any of the coins you've received, you can mail them back to Hasbro for a replacement!

Also, as expected, Hasbro let us know that the new Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series and the live action TV series will be providing plenty of material for the future of the line, along with the great success of the Comic Book 2-packs (18 on tap for 2007!!) Speaking of EU we can expect to see the Force Unleashed figures in spring 2008 along with the Star Wars: The Clone Wars figures later in 2008.

Now...just sit back, relax and enjoy the slide show and reading this long, long list of product to be released this year. Look for all these items to be added to our checklists soon.

Basic Figures

Wave 4 – August 1
#22 M'iiyoom Onith (Cantina)
#23 Elis Helrot (Cantina)
#24 Animated Boba Fett (Holiday Special)
#25 Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
#26 CZ-4
#27 Umpass-Stay
#28 Darth Vader (McQuarrie Signature Series)

Wave 5 – August 15
#29 Hermi Odle
#30 C-3PO with Salacious Crumb
#31 Roron Corobb (Clone Wars Jedi)
#32 Yoda & Kybuck (Clone Wars)
#33 Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars with Tattoos)
#34 Darth Revan (KOTOR Video Game)
#35 Darth Malak (KOTOR Video Game)
#36 General Grievous Pre-Cyborg Form (Comics)
#37 Starkiller Hero (McQuarrie Signature Series)

Wave 6 – October 1
#38 Han Solo (Torture Rack)
#39 Lando Calrissian (Smuggler Outfit)
#40 General McQuarrie
#41 4-LOM
#42 Snowtrooper (McQuarrie Signature Series)

Wave 7 – November 1
#43 Ewoks 2-pack
#44 A-Wing Pilot
#45 Spirit of Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Head)
#46 R2-D2 (With Cargo Net)
#47 Han Solo (McQuarrie Signature Series)

Wave 7.5 – December 1
#48 Holographic Darth Vader
#49 Clone Trooper (Episode III Brown)
#50 Clone Trooper (Clone Wars) With Poncho
#51 R2-B1
#52 Naboo Soldier (Red Gear)
#53 Rebel Vanguard Trooper (BF Video Game)
#54 Pax Bonkik
The Rest

Comic 2-Pack
Wave 3 – August
Mara Jade & Luke Skywalker Heir to the Empire #1
Princess Leia & Darth Vader Infinities #2
Dark Woman & A'Sharad Hett Star Wars #31

Wave 4 – November
Anakin Skywalker & Assassin Droid Republic #52
Hobbie Klivian & Baron Fel X-Wing RS #21
Butlar Swan & Koffi Arana Purge

Exclusive Figures
Cantina Band Members (5 total) (Disney Star Wars Weekends)
Concept Grievous with shield from the Clone Wars (SWS)
Concept Obi-Wan Kenobi & Yoda 2-pack (SDCC)
Shadow Scout on Speeder Bike (SDCC)
"I Am Your Father" 2-Pack Wal*Mart (June)

Battle Packs
Clone Attack on Coruscant (Repack) September
The Hunt for Grievous (Repack) October
ARC-170 Battle Pack" Target Exclusive (November)

Hoth Patrol Oct/Nov

  • Luke Skywalker
  • Wampa
  • Taun Taun
  • STAP Attack Oct/Nov

  • 2 Security Battle Droids on STAPs
  • 1 Super Battle Droid (silver)
  • Betrayal on Bespin Oct/Nov

  • Darth Vader
  • Princess Leia
  • Chewbacca
  • Han Solo
  • Boba Fett
  • Capture at the Droid Factory Oct/Nov

  • C-3PO with Battle Droid Head
  • Destroyer Droid
  • Jango Fett
  • R2-D2
  • Anakin Skywalker
  • Battlefront II Droids - Internet & Diamond Exclusive (October)
    Battlefront II Clones - Internet & Diamond Exclusive (October)

    General Grievous' Starfighter (December)
    AT-TP (December)
    181st TIE Interceptor TRU Exclusive (August)
    Gold Squadron Y-Wing Fighter TRU Exclusive (August)
    ARC-170 Starfighter (Clone Wars) Target Exc. (November)
    Obi-Wan's Starfighter w/ Hyperdrive Ring TRU (December)

    Galactic Showdown (Darth Vader/TIE Fighter vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Blue Jedi Starfighter) Wal*Mart (July)
    Darth Vader/Death Star (October)
    AT-AT Driver/AT-AT (November)
    Commander Cody/Turbo Tank (November)

    7" Figures
    ARC Trooper (Blue) Internet & Diamond Exc. (September)

    Unleashed Battle Packs

  • Jedi Masters
  • A New Empire
  • Vader's 501st Legion
  • Shock Trooper Battalion
  • Battle Droids
  • Clone Trooper Attack Battalion

  • Unleashed Battle Packs (Continued)
    Wave 4 – July 15

  • Ki-Adi-Mundi
  • Commander Bacara
  • Galactic Marine x2
  • Mace Windu Clone Battalion

  • Clone Trooper x3 (purple)
  • Airborne Trooper
  • Battle Droids #2

  • Battle Droid
  • Super Battle Droid
  • Spider Droid
  • Galactic Heroes
    Wave 4 – July 15
    Garindan & Duros
    Endorm Han Solo & Wickett
    AT-AT Driver & General Veers
    Imperial Officer & Death Star Trooper

    Wave 5 – November 1
    Barada & Weequay
    Grand Moff Tarkin & Imperial Officer
    Endor Rebel Soldier & Endor Princess Leia
    Dagobah Luke w/ Yoda & Holographic Darth Vader

    Cantina Band (Lights & Sounds) (Wal*Mart) – Sept
    Cantina Band Members x 4
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Luke Skywalker

    Cantina Encounter (Wal*Mart) – September
    Sandtrooper Corporal
    Sandtrooper Sergeant
    Blue Snaggletooth
    Han Solo

    Battle for Naboo (Toys R Us) – August
    Naboo Starfighter
    Anakin Skywalker
    Battle Droid
    Jar Jar Binks
    Darth Maul
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Qui-Gon Jinn

    Battle for Hoth (Toys R Us) – August
    Taun Taun
    Darth Vader
    Hoth Rebel Trooper
    Han Solo
    Luke Skywalker
    Princess Leia
    General Veers

    Assault on the Death Star (Target) – November
    X-Wing Starfighter
    Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot
    Wedge Antilles X-Wing Pilot
    Princess Leia

    Jabba's Palace (Target) – November
    Jabba the Hutt
    Bib Fortuna
    Gamorrean Guard
    Land Calrissian in Skiff Disguise
    Han Solo
    Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
    Princess Leia in Boussh Disguise

    Hasbro Q & A Photo Gallery

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