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Star Wars Celebration IV – Los Angeles, CA
by Chuck Paskovics & Peter Hauerstein
May 26, 2007
May 26th quicklinks:

Saturday at CIV proved to be as busy as ever! There was a little less elbow-room in the halls now that fans are attending in mass! There was plenty to do, leading right up to the extra ticketed event, A Conversation with Carrie Fisher. Take a stroll through our photo galleries below, and don't forget to check out our additional not-to-be-missed Hasbro, R2-D2 Builders, and Vader Helmet Art Exhibition Galleries! These are all part of our day 3 coverage, with galleries so full they deserved their own pages!

Convention Images

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The LEGO booth was ALWAYS hopping, with plenty to keep LEGO fans happy! They had a display table to show off their upcoming products, plenty of contests to sign up for, LEGO sets galore on the shelves, and more! Also, LEGO held a raffle each day to for the chance to buy 1 of 500 special CIV exclusive LEGO dioramas! At $50 each and only 100 per day sold, this was a hard exclusive to snag! And, as always, LEGO had a few life-sized LEGOs decorating their booth...

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A Conversation with Carrie Fisher

Saturday night the big event on hand was the ticketed event A Conversation with Carrie Fisher. Fans were treated to some fun stories about the Star Wars years, and then a small Q & A session. At the end, the 501st made her an honorary member of the 501st Club.

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Celebration at Celebration

At the end of the evening it was time for the Celebration at Celebration, where fans could kick off their stormtrooper boots, have a drink or two, dance, mingle, and just have fun with fellow Star Wars fans.

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