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Star Wars Celebration IV – Los Angeles, CA
by Chuck Paskovics & Peter Hauerstein
May 27, 2007 – Master Replicas Collectors Society Party
May 27th quicklinks:

While fans are hoping this is not the last party CS members get to enjoy, if it was they certainly pulled out all the stops! Held at the very cool Jim Henson Studios, featuring a catered BBQ dinner, drinks, lightsaber battles, and an all around good time! With props galore laid out on display, the JTA team had a great time trying on the ultra cool replica helmets.

Attendees also had the chance to enter in a raffle where they could purchase as many keys as they want for the chance to unlock a treasure box. What's in the box? Well, it's not what's in the box, it's what happens if your lucky enough to have the one key that opens the box... you win a studio scale Millennium Falcon! And no, I didn't win. But, I had a great time at the party hanging out with fans from all across the globe!

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