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Star Wars Experience � Celebration Europe
by Mark Dermul aka The Autograph Bounty Hunter

July 13-15, 2007

SUNDAY 15th JULY 2007

This was going to be the day when I would finally get to see some of the program, right? My chores were done, so I could waste time with my friends. Sound familiar? I started with a tour of the premises and gawked at the beautiful props from the Belgian (that�s right ?) 501st Garrison. They had a full scale Jabba, Speeder Bike, Snowspeeder, E-Web Cannon, AT-AT and Tatooine Moisture Vaporators. Pretty impressive. And the R2 Builders Club was present with a load of Astromech Droids and a fantastic See Threepio that walked around the show. Amazing! Red Bull showed off a Star Wars Formula 1 race car. Then I visited the Platinum Room, where the Darth Vader Helmet Exhibition could be seen. Some crazy designs there. My two favorite ones are here and here.

In the afternoon, I got in line one last time to obtain my Billy Dee Williams autographs, of course. And I hunted down some of the non-signing guests such as Lorne Peterson, Robert Watts, Norman Reynolds to get some of their autographs as well. The only one I was unable to track down was Rick McCallum. Darn!

While heading back to the Southgate Rooms for the last give-away bonanza of the pewter Medallions, I hopped in next door to take a quick peek at the amazing Palitoy Museum. They showed original toys and store displays from the eighties. It sure brought back memories.

I completely missed out on the screening of �Fanboys� and �The Force Among Us�, the Hasbro Presentation, the Rick McCallum talk, the Tattoo show, the costume pageant and the Charlie Ross Star Wars One Man Show. All work and no play.

On my way out to the waiting taxi, which would take me and my heavy load back to the Waterloo station for the Eurostar return to Brussels, I spotted a great painting. I loved it and smiled. That�s how I left Celebration Europe. With a big smile on my face. I didn�t look back.

Snowspeeder AT-AT The Vader Project The Vader Project
Vintage Toys! Vintage Toys! Mark Dremul & Billy Dee Williams Star Wars Painting at Waterloo Station

- Day 1 - July 13, 2007 -      - Day 2 - July 14, 2007 -


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