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Aayla Secura (Jedi Hologram Transmission) - Hasbro - Revenge of the Sith (2005)

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Code3 Collectibles had a presence at Toy Fair this year and on display was the Battle Damaged Darth Vader TIE Fighter signed by James Earl Jones. If you think this ship looks impressive in photographs, just wait until you see it in person! The Death Star-like base is a perfect backdrop for the ship and the details on the ship itself are fantastic. The wing that was clipped by one of Vader's wing men has great attention to battle damage detail. And...inside a magneticly sealed openable cockpit sits the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. If you have not ordered one of these yet you can do it right here. They are shipping now, so order yours before they sell out. And keep your eyes peeled for the next die cast vehicle as Code 3 is hard at work in preparation for the next release.

Also on display were their Legendary Casts 3-D movie posters including the mini "Revenge of the Jedi" poster. Not only did we get word that we will see the Episode I & Episode II posters in 2006, but we were also told that Code 3 will present a special 3-D movie poster at this years San Diego Comic Con! Stay tuned to JTA for more information on both of these great pieces of news! 

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