Titanium | Unleashed | Attacktix | Transformers | Miniatures | Miscellaneous
Basic 3¾ line
Basic Figures
- Figures in the Basic Line ($6.99) will include characters from The Phantom Menace all the way through the Return of the Jedi.
- All figures will include a random mini-hologram figure.
- As part of the "Ultimate Galactic Hunt", there will be "chase" versions of a few select characters that will be packaged in premium foil-treated packaging.
- The "chase cards" will be a silver foil card and they will also include a vac metallicized figure stand (displayed behind the figure) and a silver hologram figure.
- The C-3PO from the Battle of Endor line has articulated legs and arms so he can sit in his included throne chair.
- The Death Star Gunner has removable gear.
- The Mos Eisley Han Solo is a new figure.
- Tatooine Luke comes with a trunk complete with both Obi-Wan's and Darth Vader's (Anakin's) lightsabers.
Vintage Edition Figures
- The Vintage Style Series ($9.99) will continue on this year and will include Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Gear), Greedo, Tusken Raider, Biker Scout, and Han Solo (Endor Outfit).
- The figures will be packaged in near replicas of the original Vintage cards just like for the VOTC line.
- Collect the proofs of purchase from one of each of the figures to send in to claim your George Lucas in Stormtrooper gear...with a removable helmet!
- The Mace Windu Jedi Starfighter was on display...no official word yet on the price point or retailer.
- The Darth Vader TIE Fighter was on display sporting a new paint scheme...there are no particulars on this ship yet either.
Titanium Series
Star Wars
- The Gold Edition Darth Vader TIE Fighter will be a 2006 Convention Exclusive.
- The 3" Vehicle ($4.99) line will expand to include ships from Battlestar Galactica (June 2006).
- Look for a 3" Speeder Bike with Princess Leia, Republic Cruiser, TIE interceptor and others to be added to the line!
- The Ultra vehicle line ($19.99) will include Darth Vader's TIE Fighter.
- The 3-3/4" figure line ($15.99) will include other character such as IG-88, Bossk and a 501st Clone Trooper.
- The Darth Vader and Boba Fett 3-3/4" figures both feature removable helmets. Look for these beginning this summer.
- A silver Sandtrooper will be part of the 3-3/4" figure line.
Battlestar Galactica
- The 3-3/4" line will expand to include Transformers and Battlestar Galactica.
- 4 ships on display: 3 standard size Titanium (Viper, Cylon Raider, Battlestar Galactica), and one Ultra Titanium (Battlestar Galactica).
Unleashed Line
2" Unleashed Battlepacks
- The Battle of Hoth Unleashed Battle Packs ($7.99) were on display.
- Unleashed Battle Pack Playsets were on display as well...there are 2 playsets planned to date for the Battle of Hoth, one which includes a Snowspeeder and pilots and the second includes a Rebel cannon and turret along with a few Rebel Troopers.
- Series 4 - Star Wars Starter Set will include ($9.99) 2 figures exclusive to the starter set.
- Series 4 will include 18 figures and the Booster packs ($4.99) will now include 2 figures each, in new packaging.
- Look for the Transformers Attacktix as well...they will be made to interact with the Star Wars Attacktix so you can build your ultimate squad or place them in battle against one another!
- The Attacktix Star Wars vs. Transformers Intergalactic Showdown Pack ($19.99 - August) pits iconic Star Wars characters vs. your favorite Transformers...including Darth Vader and Optimus Prime!
- The Battle Masters Assortment ($12.99 - Fall) will include a new Republic Gunship for the Star Wars line and a Transformers Omega Supreme!
- The 2006 Transformers ($14.99) line will include 12 different Star Wars characters. Each of them will come with a 2" figure that can pilot the ship in mech mode.
- There will be a Deluxe Han Solo and Chewbacca that will convert into the Millennium Falcon...it will retail for $34.99 and you can expect to see it hit the shelves this fall.
Miniatures and the Rest...
Star Wars� Miniatures Game
- There will be 2 new expansion sets in 2006 that feature more characters from the films, computer games, novels, comics, and animation.
- Champions of the Force� Miniatures collection will include characters such as Jedi Luke, Jaina Solo and Corran Horn along with your favorite villains in the likes of Darth Maul and Darth Nihilus. Look for this expansion set in June 2006. The set will include 60 different figures that can be found in 7 figure booster packs ($12.99).
- The Bounty Hunters Huge Pack expansion will include figures from 60mm to 130mm (2.3 to 4.1 inches) including Chewbacca with damaged C-3PO, Crab Droid, and Mistryl Shadow Warrior. Look for the Bounty Hunters expansion set in Fall 2006. The set will include 60 different figures that can be found in 7 figure booster packs ($12.99) that include 1 Huge miniature.
- The Starter Sets ($24.99) includes four non-randomized and two exclusive miniatures and their matching play cards, game board, 20-sided die, and game play instruction book.
Role Play
- The Role Playing toys get a new twist this year with a spring loaded Force Action Lightsaber ($24.99)...Look for them this fall.
- The Electronic Lightsaber ($19.99) will continue on this year with five unique lightsabers being offered.
- Electronic Beam Blasters ($19.99) will be available in General Grievous and Clone Trooper styles.
Galactic Heroes
- There will be 22 different Galactic Heroe figure 2-packs ($5.99) will be introduced in 2006.
- Artoo-Potatoo will come with a holographic Potato Leia
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