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Imperial Probe Droid - Sideshow Collectibles - 1:6 Scale Figures (2014)

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Even though the Maquarrie Vader-Luke was not on display for our visit with Dark Horse today to talk about the Kotobukiya line our time with them was more fruitful than we could have imagined!

Let's start with the Maquarrie Vader-Luke vinyl figure. This piece will be a limited edition piece that will be divided per region. Japan, Europe, the US, etc. will all receive an allotted amount of the figure and the boxes and pieces will be marked accordingly. The US will receive 2,700 of this fantastic figure and it will retail at $200. Remember to place those pre-orders as soon as they pop up...this is sure to be a hot piece! Also, the back of the box will display a very nice rendition of the Maquarrie art.

Starting this summer the Koto line we all know and love will catch on fire. To start off with they will be offering a new Episode III Obi-Wan Kenobi. This version of Obi will be sculpted so that it can be combined with the General Grievous that will follow as the next piece.

As usual...keep checking in with JTA for the latest is sure to be worth the wait!
In the mean time, here's a small gallery of what they had in their showroom...

** UPDATE **

This timeline is just in from Kotobukiya:
1. A Celebration Exclusive Item will be announced next month. The great news is that it will be available at both UK and LA conventions.
2. Ralph McQuarrie Darth vs. Luke. See details below!!
3. A San Diego Comic Con exclusive will be announced in march or April.
4. Episode 3 Obi-Wan will be revealed and it will connect to #6
5. Another new release will be announced. (There is a release planned between Obi-Wan & Grievous)
6. General Grievous!!
7. From this point on, all are "to be announced". They do have have a full slate of characters approved by lucasfilm and scheduled internally.

  • Their license has been extended and expanded, and once we hit July, you will see a new ARTFX Statue release every month for the remainder of 2007 and into 2008!

    Here are some details on the Ralph McQuarrie Darth vs. Luke:
    The Darth Vader and Luke Slywalker figures can be displayed together, locked in the iconic pose made famous by McQuarrie's classic illustration, or separately. Together, the combined bases measure approximately 16.5 inches long, with Vader standing about 11 inches tall.

    This is a special two-pack that will be a one-time production run, and will not be reproduced in the future. A statement of limitation will be printed on each package, as well as a special serial numbered sticker that will be exclusive for each territory (Europe, Japan, and North America). The back of the box is a gigantic preproduction of the original McQuarrie artwork.

    koto-001 koto-002 koto-003 koto-004
    koto-005 koto-006 koto-007 koto-008
    koto-009 koto-010 koto-011 koto-012
    koto-013 koto-014 koto-015 koto-016


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