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X-Wing Cross Section 3-D | ARTFX Statue Series | Indiana Jones | Clone Wars Poster

X-Wing Cross Section 3-D

One of the major product offerings from Koto is their Cross Section 3-D X-Wing fighter.  An unpainted version was displayed at Celebration 4, but the final product that was on display in the Kotobukiya showroom really impressed.  The model is a blend of inspiration from advanced Japanese model kits and the artwork from DK publishing's STAR WARS INCREDIBLE CROSS SECTIONS.  The X-Wing comes apart to expose all of the inner workings of the starfighter.  And the kit not only features the fighter, but a Yavin hangar environment including removable landing gear, pilot transport & 2 versions of R2-D2.  In Japan this set will ship in 6 seperate boxes, but for the American market those six boxes will all be placed in one master box.  The retail price is set for $250, and it should be in stores this July.  This is the first in a series, and the next offering may be an Imperial TIE Fighter.  Stay tuned for more news on this line.

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ARTFX Statue Series

Kotobukiya was displaying their popular line of ART FX models. 

The centerpiece of their Star Wars offerings for 2008 is their Executor Bounty Hunters set.  Koto is offering all 6 Bounty Hunters from THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK on stands that combine to form the Imperial symbol.  Each Bounty Hunter also includes parts for a Darth Vader Build-A-Figure that will stand in the center of the ring of Bounty Hunters.  Vader will feature three interchangeable hands.  The series will start shipping in April with a RETURN OF THE JEDI version of Boba Fett (Koto had previously released a TESB version and didn't want to repeat paintjobs).  After Fett is released, one Bounty Hunter will follow each month.  The series ends with Dengar, the model of which was not on display.  Each set is to retail for approximately $100.

Also on tap for 2008 is an Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot.  This model features a Death Star corridor base as well as a moveable Mouse Droid.  And also in the showroom was the recently released Royal Guard.  A similarly posed prequel Senate Guard may be on the way.  That model would feature a rifle instead of the force pike.

There will also be some offerings from Clone Wars late in the year.  Possibly in the popular ART FX line, or perhaps in a smaller 8" model format.  And such and offering might have pieces for a build-a-figure.  Keep checking back for more on that as the story develops.

We also inquired with Koto about possible offerings for THE FORCE UNLEASHED.  While some opportunities may have presented themselves, Koto is remaining committed to providing products from the movies and THE CLONE WARS.

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Indiana Jones ARTFX Statues & ARTFX Theatres

Also on display this year was the start of the Indiana Jones ARTFX models. They only had two on display, but these were updated sculps from the orginal press photos seen earlier this year. Along with the standard 12" models, we got to take a look at their upcoming Indiana Jones ARTFX Theater statue. This 360 degrees action piece was highly detailed and gives hope that we might see something like this in the Star Wars line in the future.

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Clone Wars Poster

No, this isn't something that Kotobukiya will be selling, but they had it hanging on their showroom wall and it was just way too cool not to include it here! Let's hope Lucasfilm sells this full size poster, and soon!

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