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Timothy Zahn Book Signing – Lexington, KY
by Chuck Paskovics
February 4, 2007
Timothy Zahn – Lexington, KY

Timothy Zahn made a stop at Joseph Beth Booksellers in Lexington, KY to promote his new book Allegiance. I met up with Arnie from Star Wars Action News, who was doing an exclusive interview with him, and we joined some of my fellow KSWCC members to get our books signed. Mr. Zahn was very generous and signed all the books we brought with us, including the newly released Allegiance.

The 501st was also on hand in full force and escorted Mr. Zahn to the Q&A session. It was a packed house as excited fans lined up to meet the man who revived the Star Wars Expanded Universe. If Timothy Zahn is stopping by your neighborhood for a book signing, I highly recommend going to meet him. He was very nice and took the time to meet each person that stopped by the table. He even lined up with the KSWCC crew for a group picture!

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