A few hours ago some Episode IX rumors appeared on the Star Wars Leaks subreddit, the most credible source of Star Wars information, only second to Mike Zeroh. However, the rumors might actually have some truth to them as some evidence was apparently provided to a moderator on the Star Wars Leaks subreddit. So I thought, ok, why not look at these rumors and discuss them. You know the drill by now, if you want to know more, click through. If you want to know nothing, well, then do nothing and forever wonder what might be discussed in the article, tossing in your sleep at night.
Mark Hamill posted a current photo of himself on Instagram. He was finally attending The Mousetrap play in London, which he originally meant to do back in 1976 when he was in London for A New Hope. But what is of note here is Mark Hamill’s look, it’s almost youthful. He is clean shaven and his hair is short with little grey in it.
So let the speculation begin… will Mark Hamill be de-aged for Episode IX and a flashback sequence? Do Force ghosts have barbers? Or did he get a new haircut and finally shaved his beard only after filming wrapped? The production in Pinewood has come to an end recently.
The Episode IX rumor mill is spinning once more… there is a potentially huge rumor for Episode IX that, if true, could either be considered the best thing ever or maybe yet another desperate attempt to undo some of the perceived damage of the previous sequel movies. If you want to know more, just click through! If not… just don’t click! It’s really that simple!
Update: Now with bar chart!
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