We have another Visual Guide update from Target’s The Black Series Galaxy’s Edge Trading Outpost line. Click below for the full Visual Guide of Hondo Ohnaka. Make sure to also check out our full review of this figure right here.
We are wrapping up our Visual Guide updates from The Vintage Collection wave 27 with the addition of Hondo Ohnaka (VC173). Click below for our full Visual Guide page. Make sure to also revisit our review of this figure right here.
The Smuggler’s Run The Black Series [Phase IV] 6″ Hondo Ohnaka figure is gorgeous. It’s better than The Vintage Collection version. (more….)
The best way to assess The Vintage Collection Hondo Ohnaka figure is to say it should have stayed a pack-in exclusive with the Millennium Falcon (Smuggler’s Run) vehicle. We hope Hasbro doesn’t waste any other slots on Disney Star Wars figures, unless they’re from Episode IX or The Mandalorian. (more….)
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Entertainment Earth is expecting a restock of The Vintage Collection wave consisting of Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight), Hondo Ohnaka, ARC Trooper Fives, and Chirrut Imwe. Order now and be the first to get them! Also, be sure to check out all the new The Mandalorian products they added to their site!
Did those YouTube reviews catch everything? Did others speak honestly whether this was the right version of the Millennium Falcon to release? And what about that price? What about those pack-in figures? And what’s new here? Is this better or worse than previous efforts? The review of the Millennium Falcon (Smuggler’s Run) TARGET exclusive vehicle is ready, and we speak freely about its pros and cons. Also, this gallery is only the beginning. We will be adding a lot more images across the Original Trilogy and Sequel Trilogy as we move ahead, so stay tuned for more! (more….)
The review is just moments away, but you can check out the full Photo Gallery and Collector Notes for the Millennium Falcon (Smuggler’s Run) TARGET exclusive vehicle RIGHT NOW in our Research Droids Reviews!
JTA reader Jason R. found the latest Galaxy’s Edge The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ figures at his local TARGET, but they are register locked until August 30th. See the image below! The DPCI for Hondo is 087-16-6969. If anyone knows the DPCI for the Mountain Trooper, let us know!
Well, if the purchase of Star Wars by Disney is the reason we have a 6″ Hondo Ohnaka now, we’d call it a win for collectors. See him and a cast of other characters from the Galaxy’s Edge exclusive Smuggler’s Run multipack. You’re going to love it. See it all in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.
A quick search for “Star Wars Black Series Galaxy’s Edge” on eBay will show you several sellers already offering either single sets or all three sets of the Black Series Galaxy’s Edge exclusive figures. It may well be that eBay will be the only source for international collectors (and those who will not or cannot go to Disneyland) to get a hold of the all new Hondo, DJ-R3X, Commander Pyre, Mountain Trooper, a Mouse Droid and two all new Porgs. On top of that you will also get C-3PO with the new 4-LOM style elbow joints and a photo real The Last Jedi Rey, and she does look quite nice, the sculpt really comes alive with photoreal.
Price for a single set begins at $90, there are offers for all three sets beginning at $160, but another seller wants $370 for three sets in “near mint” condition.
Will you resort to eBay to get these figures? Or will you wait and hope Hasbro might eventually release the new figures in the mainline? Another question is if photo real The Last Jedi Rey will see an Archive release or if she will only be available in the exclusive Smuggler’s Run set. In my opinion it would be a wise choice by Hasbro to make only the packaging exclusive, but to offer the all new (and repainted) figures to all collectors worldwide eventually. But there is no official word yet.
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