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Disney+ Star Wars Series Rumors

Rumors about several Disney+ Star Wars series are making the rounds. And while one of the rumors, a potential Bo-Katan/Cara Dune Mandalorian spin-off series is very likely not true, rumors about the upcoming Kenobi miniseries and a Boba Fett series seem to have more substance. So click through for a brief summary of the recent rumors!

Boba Fett in The Mandalorian

Getting his own show?

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You have your grains of salt at the ready? The usually well informed Latino Review website (unlike some other websites that simply make up stories) broke a brand new rumor today. And it’s a big one. According to the LRM website Anakin Skywalker will be a regular (!) character on the Kenobi show and of course he will be portrayed by none other than Hayden Christensen. LRM’s report also says Anakin was first supposed to make a cameo appearance, but then apparently Lucasfilm realized that people now like the prequels and the cameo role was turned into a regular character on the show. LRM claims the announcement was supposed to happen at Celebration, but since the event was canceled they say the announcement will happen at a later time, closer to the actual filming of the show.

So, what do you think? Do you want to see Anakin in Kenobi? Quite frankly, it never made any sense at all that we never saw his Force ghost in the sequels. Maybe Kenobi can make up for it. They only need to come up with a good reason for him to join in the fun. Perhaps we will be treated to Clone Wars flashbacks or maybe Hayden will portray Darth Vader, but Lucasfilm would probably not hire Christensen to portray a masked character that almost never reveals his face.

Hayden Christensen

Will he be back?

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Breaking News: Kenobi Series Put On Hold! [UPDATED!]

Collider broke the exclusive story tonight! The Disney+ Kenobi series has been put on indefinite hold and the crew has been sent home for the time being. Click through for more!

UPDATE: Ewan McGregor talks about the production delay! He says the release date of the show will not be affected! Click through for his statement!

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Fans will have to wait longer for him to return

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Will Jar Jar Binks Appear In The Kenobi Disney+ Series?

A new Star Wars rumor is circling the interwebs. Apparently, a bearded Jar Jar Binks may appear in the upcoming Kenobi Disney+ series! Nothing else is known, so take this with the usual grains of salt!
It has to be pointed out that Ahmed Best will be the host of a Star Wars quiz show on Disney+, so maybe Ahmed would be fine with portraying Jar Jar one more time? He did voice the character in the Clone Wars cartoon, which already had a somewhat more nuanced approach to the character. Would you look forward to seeing Jar Jar appear again in live action? Or would you rather never see him again? Also: how would Jar Jar fit in? Does Obi-Wan go to Naboo? It could be quite exciting to see Theed again. Or will Jar Jar travel to Tatooine? Leave your opinion in the comments! Movieweb has the full story!

Jar Jar Binks with beard

Artist’s impression of a bearded Jar Jar Binks (I can’t draw, so excuse me!)

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