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The final episodes of Star Wars Rebels are almost here! The series returns with a pair of back to back episodes next Monday, February 19th at 9pm on Disney XD. Lucasfilm has sent out a new preview of the show’s return. Check it out! 

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Lucasfilm has announced that Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will write and produce a new series of Star Wars films. This new series of films will be separate from both the episodic Skywalker films and the new trilogy that is being developed by Rian Johnson. Benioff and Weiss will begin working on the new series of films “as soon as the final season of Game of Thrones is complete.” Head over to StarWars.com to read the full statements from Kathleen Kennedy, Benioff, and Weiss. What are your thoughts regarding this latest announcement? Let us know!


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Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer - NOW LIVE!

The Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser trailer is NOW LIVE! Your comments now!

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Star Wars Rebels: The Beginning Of The End

While The Last Jedi has dominated the headlines since it was released, Star Wars Rebels is about to take center stage as it finishes its fourth and final season. Lucasfilm has just sent out a press release with a ton of new information regarding the final batch of episodes. In addition to a return date, a new trailer has been released and a surprising guest star has been revealed. Click through to check out all of the exciting developments! 

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Today Marks Five Years Since Disney's Lucasfilm Acquisition

It’s hard to believe, but today is the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY that Disney acquired Lucasfilm and announced Star Wars Episode VII would happen. There is a whole new breed of fan out there now, and there are those that wish they could go back to October 29, 2012. How do you think it’s been since this acquisition? Let us know in the comments! Is Star Wars the best it has ever been?

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Saw Gerrera Returns To Star Wars: Rebels

A familiar face is returning in next episode of Star Wars: Rebels. “In the Name of the Rebellion: Parts One and Two” airs next Monday and will feature the return of Saw Gerrera, once again voiced by Forest Whitaker.  Saw isn’t the only returning character though, Mon Mothma is back as well. Lucasfilm has sent out a press release and clip previewing the latest episode. Click through for more! 

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It's Official! Solo: A Star Wars Story Now Titled!

It’s official! The Han Solo standalone film has a title. It’s Solo: A Star Wars Story. Ron Howard announces this news at StarWars.com. Your thoughts in the comments!

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Star Wars Rebels Returns Next Monday

The return of Star Wars Rebels is almost here! The fourth and final season will debut on Monday, October 16th. Lucasfilm has sent out a press release previewing the highly anticipated premiere and a new video that recaps the first three seasons. Click through to find out more!

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Star Wars Rebels Season Four Schedule Revealed

Lucasfilm has issued a press release that reveals the schedule for upcoming fourth and final season of Star Wars Rebels. We’ll be getting back to back episodes, a new night, and multiple airings. Click through to check out the full press release! 

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Trevorrow Is Out: Could Rian Johnson Or J.J. Abrams Take Over?

Colin Trevorrow’s dismissal from Star Wars: Episode IX  has left Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy searching for a replacement, and it looks like they may turn to a familiar face. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Rian Johnson and J.J. Abrams are the top choices to replace Trevorrow. Furthermore, their sources indicate that continued issues with the script led to the Trevorrow’s dismissal. At the moment, Rian Johnson seems like the most likely candidate. Johnson is a well respected writer and may be better suited to finish the script. The word is that Johnson was a perfect fit for The Last Jedi and had a seamless working relationship with Lucasfilm.  It makes sense that Lucasfilm would want to work with him again. What do you think about the possibility of Rian Johnson or J.J. Abrams returning to direct Episode IX? Let us Know!

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JTA Joins Other Journalists For Propel Presentation

The Propel presentation will be starting very soon. As we wait for the news to come in, Paul gets to mingle with other journalists such as the Associated Press. What an honor to be invited to such a presentation! Stay tuned for updates as they roll in.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, there will NOT be any updates on this today. All information is under embargo until Thursday. Check back Thursday for all the great things from the presentation!

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JTA is on location in Brooklyn NY. We are specially invited guests of Propel, a Lucasfilm licensee who manufactures stunning Star Wars Drones and are anxiously awaiting tomorrow morning for a special presentation on these awesome collectibles. Tune in tomorrow for some exclusive coverage, but in the meantime be sure to check out their line of products on their website.

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EA's Star Wars: Rise To Power Mobile Strategy Game

Earlier this month, StarWars.com announced an upcoming mobile strategy game from Lucasfilm and EA . It’s still extremely early and very few details have been made available. Personally, I really enjoyed the MMORPG Star Wars: Uprising and the accompanying canon story line that followed ROTJ, but this will be a much different game. I have just received my pre-Alpha invitation so I will be providing more details about it soon enough so stay tuned!

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Obi-Wan Standalone Film Finally Confirmed By Lucasfilm

That’s right! After much speculation and many rumors, Lucasfilm has confirmed today that Ewan McGregor will HOPEFULLY get a chance to reprise his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi for the now confirmed Obi-Wan standalone film. So far, Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Hours)  is in talks for a director. I wonder why Disney didn’t take the opportunity at D23 to officially announce it like most expected. You can read more about it from The Hollywood Reporter. I know I am excited about this, how about you?

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The Ongoing Diversity Debate Finally Comes To An End....

….or does it? Ever since Episode VII was announced and we found out there was a female lead AND a black Stormtrooper, there was constant debates and some outright horrible statements being made. Then Disney put yet ANOTHER female in the lead role of their next Star Wars film; Rogue One. This has sparked many more debates on whether Emperor Kennedy is only looking to cast strong female leads, but now that is over! (maybe..) DigitalSpy published an article that finally put the ongoing diversity issue in terms the industry can understand….diverse casts make all-around more money! Read all about this here and let us know your thoughts in the comments below. (this should be fun)

DISCLAIMER: The term “Emperor Kennedy” is meant to be tongue-in-cheek and is not meant to be taken as negative views towards the diversity article. This is just a loving term I coined for humor.

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More Details On The Drama Surrounding The Han Solo Movie

More details emerge on some of the issues surrounding the debacle known as the Han Solo film. Among the issues raised were the number of camera placement variations the directors used (3 instead of the expected 12-15 from Emperor Kennedy), Hiring an acting coach for the Lead Actor playing Han, and Lord & Miller shooting scenes as Kennedy and Kasdan requested only to film additional takes afterwards their way. Phew! Read more in this article from The Hollywood Reporter! Special Thanks to JTA Reader Martin for the heads up!

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