Welcome to another one our JTA Presents: Evolutions features! Let’s check out how close or far we are from having an ideal Hasbro 3.75″ Mara Jade action figure. Have we arrived at definitive status yet? Weigh in and let us know what conclusion you’ll come to by clicking through and adding your two cents in the comments!
Website That Hashtag Show reports that the casting process for Episode IX is underway. And apparently, JJ Abrams and casting director Nina Gold are looking for the following:
a female lead, 40-50 years old, to play the role of “MARA.”
It has to be said that it’s common practice to use code names instead of the real character names in casting, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that Mara Jade will be in Episode IX. Episode IX is still scheduled to begin filming in July, so we should know more very soon. Who could this 40-50 year old woman be? Someone who takes over from Leia? Rey’s mother? Holdo’s sister? Or Mara Jade after all? Speculate away!
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