The latest Star Wars Novel is out today. If you haven’t yet picked up Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron online or at your local brick-and-mortar, make sure to head over and order it today! Amazon currently has it for $16.23.
If you have pre-ordered Alphabet Squadron, or plan on pre-ordering it soon, you can take advantage of a special pre-order offer for a free Alphabet Squadron iron-on patch. Click through for details. Pre-order your copy on Amazon and take advantage of this offer. has a first look at the cover for the recently announced Alphabet Squadron novel, as well as the upcoming Marvel Comics TIE Fighter series. Both novel and comics will be a crossover series and will take place at the same time, following the events of Return of the Jedi. It was also revealed that Alphabet Squadron will be a trilogy of books. Get the full scoop after the jump…
Del Rey announced a new novel at their NYCC panel by author Alexander Freed. Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron features a group of Rebel pilots working to hunt down ex-Imperials. A squadron formed of a variety of ships, hence the Alphabet moniker. Star Wars: Alphabet Soup Squadron is due out in 2019.
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