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Tag Archives: The End

The End Of The Skywalker Saga

Here we are. Four years after everyone was excited about The Force Awakens the (according to Disney) final movie in the Skywalker Saga will be released in less than two months from now. The culmination of a movie series that first changed the world of cinema forever and inspired an entire generation of kids and adults in 1977, when Star Wars introduced us to the Force, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia and Darth Vader.
And while it was never advertised as such at first, Disney is now emphasing over and over again that the “Skywalker Saga” will be concluded with Episode IX. So maybe now is the perfect time to reflect, to look back, to talk about how we feel about the fact that with Rise of Skywalker everything will end, as far as movies with Skywalkers and original trilogy characters in them are concerned. Much has been written about the sequels, several actors have spoken about how they feel, Anthony Daniels only talked about his feelings last weekend. So let’s talk about how we feel. Click through for more!

Skywalker Safa

The Skywalker Saga

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