Tall Display System
Feb. 27, 2006
This week we discuss why:
“Hell hath no fury like a Wookie scorned!”
Hello everybody, this week I’d like to discuss my fetish….my “Wookie
Fetish” to be exact.
I’m a 3 ¾ inch collector, loose only. Way back around 97-98’ I
started delving into other collections such as Action Fleet, and 12” figures,
while also maintaining a full carded collection co-existing with my loose figures.
But lets face the facts, it takes a lot of money to keep pace with all that product.
I just couldn’t keep up. So around the time the Star Wars market crashed I
sold off all my Action Fleet and Carded Figures for around Five Dollars and Seventeen
Cents..or something ridiculous like that. From that day forward I promised to never
get involved with any other line of figures. I was a new man. A lean-mean action
figure only collector.
Now lets flash forward a couple of years to when Hasbro introduced the 7” Unleashed
Line. My initial reaction was, “Boy, those will never sell. Now I’ll
have to trip over those stupid things to get to the important figures!”. It
would be an understatement to say I was wrong. The old Unleashed line had some really
great figures. I was tempted many times to buy some of the jedi but my resolve held
and I walked away with my dignity intact. I was still smooth and cool action figure
only collector.
Well, I now have a confession to make. My name is Jim and I love Wookies. Hasbro
could repaint the same figures over and over again and I’d buy at least two.
At this point I think if Hasbro only made Wookies I would be ok with that.
So now our story brings us to present day. I’m strolling through Walmart hoping
to find the newest wave of figures, (because if I don’t find that Utaupan Clone
Trooper soon I’m very likely to have seizure) , and as usual the shelves are
empty. The smart thing to do would be to turn around and go home, but I start feverishly
searching the surrounding area for somebody’s hiding spot. There is always
that slim chance that somebody arrived before me and hid the figures I want close
by so they could come back and get them. And that is when I find them…….two
sets of the new unleashed figures snarling at me from inside their beautiful package.
My heart started racing faster, and I think I actually uttered the words “my
precious” as I raced to the register. It was a complete impulse buy! After
almost 7 years of being “sober” I fell off the wagon.
So here they are, perched atop the Display Stands I created for my Star Wars collection.
They are a testament to my weakness, and I offer them up for all to see. Don’t
judged me to harshly…I’m only human, and no longer just a handsome,
smart action figure collector.
Thank you for your time,
Jim (Team_Felix in the JTA forums)

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