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Stand Tall Display System

March 29, 2006

“The Geeks, shall inherit the Earth.”

Ahhh……the joys of fatherhood………..or should I say preparation for fatherhood.. My wife and I are expecting our first baby in May and I’ve been running around like a maniac trying to complete an unfinished attic by the time the stork arrives. “What does that have to do with Star Wars.”, you ask? Well let me tell you………

Being a Star Wars fanatic is a full time occupation. I firmly believe that the internet was created just so I can find out news on the latest and greatest action figures coming my way. Some may argue that it was created for other more personal hobbies (you know what I’m talking about.. and if you don’t then just assume I’m referring to UFO research..I’m not, but lets just pretend I am). I stand before you today to let you know I have found another good excuse to be online.

A couple of months ago a group of us Star Wars geeks from Connecticut took a chance and decided to meet each other outside of the forums. Sure it sounds crazy because we all know that the other collectors out there are complete dorks who are overweight and live in their parents basement. So I went to the first meeting with a little trepidation. It’s very odd letting the hostess know that your meeting with a group of guys that you’ve never met and you want her to show them to your table when they arrive. It was a Friday night in a relatively out of the way restaurant……… I’m pretty sure she assumed we all lead an “alternative lifestyle”. Which we do…just not in the way she thought. After the first couple of moments of introductions and forum moniker vs. real name relations are made it’s like hanging out with guys you’ve known for years.

So how does this tie in to building a nursery? Our semi-regular geek meets are like an oasis of personal freedom. We all have friends, we all have co-workers, but how many of us have a group of people we can relate too just because they are into Star Wars and collect toys?

So your homework this weeks is as follows: Get into your regional forums, pick a date, time and place you would like to meet fellow collectors and post it. People can “sign-up” in the forum so you know who is going. It’s well worth your time and effort. You’d be surprised how relaxing it can be to meet fellow fans and just talk about the movies and toy collecting. Give it a try.

Thank you for your time,
Jim (Team_Felix in the forums)

PS- Oh Yeah…please buy some of my display stands. You can find them here.

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