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Stand Tall Display System

April 24, 2006

Hi everybody,

Jim here from Stand Tall Display Systems……that’s my fancy name for a guy in his den who only has one product to sell but tries to sound important.

I have to say that the 501st Trooper is a great nod to the rabid fans who go the extra mile and “live” in a galaxy far, far away. I’ve never been a guy who dresses up at Conventions or Renaissance Fairs, but it just wouldn’t be the same without the super fans who define the stereo-type of Sci-Fi Nerds. It may sound like I’m putting down my more enthusiastic fellow fans…but at this point in my life to be defined as a Sci-Fi Geek is a compliment. It’s my own dorky way of living on the fringes of society. So to all you 501st Members out there…enjoy your figure…you deserve it. To have a corporate entity such as Hasbro acknowledge your existence is a feat that should not be taken lightly. I’m not even sure if I should try to purchase one for my collection because I don’t feel I earned it.

My first thought was that the text over the emblem said “Vaders Legion” and I thought that was about the most idiotic and juvenile tag line that could possibly grace a Star Wars figure…..Since then I’ve come to realize that it probably says 501st Legion….and for some reason this made everything alright.

So for now I think we can all sleep well because it’s obvious that Hasbro knows there are plenty of adult collectors with money. This is a good omen for the future of our hobby. We’ll have plenty of more figures in the coming years to hug and love….and once you get done playing with your toys feel free to place them on a Stand Tall Display System that you design yourself (shameless subliminal product plug)!

(Team_Felix in the Forums)

PS- As nice as the 501st exclusive is I must say that the Black Stormtrooper is just a big load of crap…….and that’s all I have to say about that!

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