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Star Wars Experience – The Art of Star Wars Exhibition - Singapore, Japan art-singapore.gif
The Art of Star Wars Exhibition - Singapore, Japan
by Joris DeSmet
November 19, 2005 - April 3, 2006
The Art of Star Wars Exhibition Virtual Exhibition Tour Gallery

Hello there and welcome to the JTA Virtual Tour of the Singapore Exhibition on the Art of Star Wars. To the left here, you can find a plan of the exhibition area. As you can tell, the different rooms in the Science Centre were organized by Star Wars Episode. It would be a little bit silly to do the same on a web site, so we hope you'll just enjoy our extremely large photo gallery of the objects on display.

All of these photos were, without any exception forwarded to us by David Guivant. Credit for these go to David himself and Adam Teo, photographer of the Singapore fan club ( and a fan that goes by the nickname of �Exun�.

Some special mention goes to the Jedi Gym and Foley Studio.

In the Sound Foley you are invited to recreate the sound effects of a particular scene of Return of the Jedi with everyday objects: pot covers, brushes, vegetables � Of course you'll have to make sure your version doesn't come out too fruity �

The Jedi Gym offers the possibility of testing your Jedi powers in a number of interactive games.

If you're anything of a Jedi you'll manage to destroy Trade Federation Droids on a screen using just your bare hands instead of playing the game with a computer mouse.

Before you then walk on thinking you can now force-choke the next person that gets in the way, you have to know that optical eyes at both sides of the interactive computer console captured your every move and gesture and had the computer translate them into Jedi wizardry. It all remains a game!

Another fun experiment has you use your own �brain waves� to move a ball around. The trajectory of the ball will be influenced by the calm or excitement of the person taking the test. Sure something less easy to explain than the previous game �

With that, you should have understood that the Art Exhibition is the place to be. If you manage to go there, don't hesitate and go with the Force!

The Art of Star Wars Exhibition Introduction
The Art of Star Wars Exhibition: "The Bothan Article"

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