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Star Wars Experience – Star Wars Reunion - Paris, France
Star Wars Reunion - Paris, France
by Joris DeSmet and David Guivant
May 13-15, 2005

Next to the Attakus "museum", there was also a number of LEGO diorama's to be seen. David remained unsure if those were fan-made or if it was indeed the LEGO Company itself that slipped in a little commercial, but they were pretty cool to see.


More exciting again were the next items on the agenda: the web documentaries about the making of "Revenge of the Sith" and the use of special effects would be shown and Rob Coleman would comment on them in a Q&A session. There was actually a mini-studio present and from the looks of it our fellow fans did a lot of Force-inspired frolicking around �


The largest part of the day then would be devoted to more interviews and Q&A sessions, either live or through a video connection. The fans got to talk to Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) and Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) in the flesh and "met" The Maker, George Lucas and Ian McDiarmid (Emperor Palpatine) through the video wall.

Following those entertaining encounters, we remained stuck in dark rooms for the rest of the day: the entire Clone Wars animated series got splashed out over the big silver screen; we got a nice string of Star Wars-inspired commercials with the remarkable LEGO commercial "Revenge of the Bricks" as eye-catcher and finally � the fan-made movies that made the selection got shown to the audience!

There was probably a little blush of excitement on David�s cheeks when "George Lucas: Legends of the Force" hit the screen, but I doubt anybody would have seen it in the dark of the theatre room. The attending fans sure liked what the L-Cheapo crew did and that was probably the biggest reward of the entire trip for David and Abel.





Sunday 15th would be the third and already the closing day of the convention. After a good night's rest they were up for more! Oh, David can take it � long-time exposure to Star Wars never killed him before! At the start of the day they met up with Wicket W. Warwick Davis and surely enough he got the documentary "Return of the Ewok" tucked under his arm so everybody sat, watched and enjoyed.

When the Ewok was gone, Martin R�zard was waiting to tell all anyone ever wanted to know about sculpting masks. Martin worked with Lucasfilm on Episode 2 and 3 as a sculptor in the costume department, so there could have been no better for this presentation. He was so excited to hear that David's next project would be about Iron Man from Marvel Comics that he gave the L-Cheapo team his e-mail and some advance counsel on how to build the Golden and red armour. After that public exchange a lot of the attending fans came to cheer David and friends.


After meeting the face behind the masks, comedian Roger Carel treated those present to a very funny dubbing of some memorable scenes from the Star Wars movies. It wasn't maybe very "flattering" but boy, it was funny enough.

Following Roger's caprioles the fan-made movies were shown once more and the "Urban Team" gave a nice live show of a combat scene between a Sith and a Jedi.


The fans that came costumed to the convention wouldn't have done it for naught; the next item on the agenda was the election of the most beautiful costumes. Abel made quite an impression and managed to get into the top 10 finalists with his Boba Fett suit. There was only an action figure to be won in the end; but he was happy enough to beat the other two Fett costumes in the room and thrilled to get lots of appraisal from Jeremy Bulloch, Steve Sansweet, Samuel Sene and Martin R�zard.





Steve Sansweet then appeared to show off and talk about his unique collection of Star Wars collectibles for which he actually constructed a house � Rancho Obi-Wan. The piles of merchandise were certainly a sight to behold. Who wouldn�t want a collection like that?

When Steve cleared the set, it was already 6:30 PM and the convention would close its doors.

Conventions like this always leave their visitors tired but satisfied and David was no exception. He had enjoyed it very much and now hopes that the contacts he made with the different people from Lucasfilm will eventually pay off. We for one would love to hear from George Lucas and Steven Spielberg themselves if they liked "Legends of the Force" as much as we did.


In the meantime, L-Cheapo goes on with the good work and started a second Star Wars fan-made project called "Prime of the Jedi". Hope goes that also this project will sooner or later end up on George�s desk for a review. David and friends are doing everything they can to make that happen anyway � At any rate, you're cordially invited to keep an eye on their site to download the fan teasers on "Prime of the Jedi"� David and the L-Cheapo crew hope that you'll enjoy them as much as they did making them!

Pictures courtesy of David Guivant; Herve Savard (HS); Laetitia Lemaire and Abel Lasserre.

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